

Exercise  1  Write beside 'C' for content and 'F' for function.  Example: magazine (C) as (F) many (F) went  with  just  quickly  the  hard  next to  CD ROM  Exercise 2 Transform the following base words to inflectional words 1. pen            ---------- 2. Maria        ---------- 3. run              ------------- 4. believe        -------------   Exercise 3 Identify which is root, stem or base; separate the root, enclose the steam and underline the base according to the following words a) Breakout b) return c) reader d) book e) proactive f) moonlight g) love   Exercise 4 Complete the text with the prefixes and suffixes that are in the box                    y     dis (8)  ...


ENDOCENTRIC AND EXOCENTRIC COMPOUNDS Compounds words are words that are made by the combination of two or more free morphemes. The compound words are semantically divided into two categories: Endocentric and exocentric compounds. -  Endocentric compound nouns It is a kind of compound in which one element acts as the head and the other as its extension, ascribing a property to the head. In addition the head expresses the compound's central meaning. Examples: Newspaper, textbook, classroom, handbag and bookstore Textbooks Word On Wood Stamps  -  Exocentric compound nouns The exocentric compound is a compound construction without a keyword, that is, it doesn't have a head. They also don't look like what they say. Examples: Scarecrow, redhead, pickpocket, showoff and paperback. Pickpocket Word Cloud Concept REFERENCE Hacken, P. t. (2017). The semantics of compounding . Innsbruk, Austria. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrFoV1DjsRY  


                                                              COMPOUNDING  Compounding is a word formation process based on the combination of lexical elements (words or stems). In the theoretical literature, compounding is discussed controversially, and the disagreement also concerns basic issues. Compounding is the process of combining two words (free morphemes) to create a new word Compound Noun List in English  Types of compounding words CLOSED COMPOUND WORDS  These words are made up of two words without a space in-between.  Examples:  Moonlight, classroom, and sunflower. Colorful Plasticine Alphabet OPEN COMPOUND WORDS  These words have a space between the smaller words that make them up. Examples: Living room, ice cream, full moon, high school word for living room HYPHENATED COMPOUND WORDS These wor...


                                                       CONVERSION WORD FORMATION- STEMS AND ROOTS Word formation is the creation of a new word. Word formation is sometimes contrasted with semantic change Word formation processes DERIVATIONAL PATTERNS AND THEIR SUFFIXES Adjective to noun -ness: sad----sadness Adjective to verb -ize: popular----popularize -en: white----whiten Adjective to adjective -ish: fool-----foolish Adjective to adverb -ly: different----differently Noun to adjective -al: logic----logical -ful: power---powerful -ic: scene----scenic -less: meaning----meaningless -ous: courage----courageous Noun to verb -fy: identity---identify be- : friend-befriend en- : danger----endanger em- : power----empower Noun to Adverb a- : bed------abed Verb to adjective -able: avoid----avoidable -ing: bother----bothering -ive: act------active Verb to noun...


  AFFIXATION An affix is a group of letters that are generally added to the beginning or the end of a root word that can change the word's meaning. SUFFIXES Suffixes are syllables added to the end of words to change or add to their meaning. They often change a word’s part of speech, thereby also changing how the word functions in a sentence. Suffixes tell you whether a word is a person, place, or thing (a noun); an action or state of being (a verb); or a modifier, which is a word that describes (an adjective or adverb). In other words a suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to make a new word PREFIXES Prefixes are syllables attached to the beginning of words to change or add to the meaning of the root word in some way A prefix is a letter or group of letters attached to the beginning of a word that partly indicates its meaning. REFERENCES Sims, M. H. (2010). Understanding Morphology. In M. H. Sims, Understanding Morphology (p. 20). Euston Road, London: H...


                                                    AFFIX, ROOT, STEM AND BASE  BASE The base is a relative notion that is defined with respect to the notion ‘affix’. (We will refine this definition of ‘base’. A base is any form to which affixes of any kind can be added. For example: Happy Base Form  (unhappy, happiness, etc) Be Happy  ROOT A base that cannot be analyzed any further into constituent morphemes is called a root. It is that part of word-form that remains when all inflectional and derivational affixes have been removed. For example: Happiness        Happi       ness                         Root      Suffix STEM  A stem is the root or roots of a word, together with any derivational affixes, to which inflectional affixes...


MORPHEME Morphemes video Morphemes can be defined as the smallest meaningful constituents of a linguistic expression. Is the smallest unit of meaning in a language. Evaluating english LEXEME A lexeme is a word in an abstract sense. Lexemes can be thought of as sets of word-forms, and every word-form belongs to one lexeme. That is, the part that does not alternate in the whole set of words in the same family Example: Overcoming Lexical Types of morpheme FREE MORPHEME Morphemes that can stand alone to function as words are called free morphemes. They comprise simple words and compound words. That is to say, can stand alone as own word For example: flower, sun, bake, cook, etc. Cartoon guys  BOUND MORPHEME Bound morphemes are those morphemes that need to be associated with a word. Cannot stand alone, these words need a derivational or inflectional morpheme For example: Suffixes: less, ly, ness, etc. Prefixes: pro, un, in, etc. Friendship Cartoon DERIVATIONAL MORPHEME Can occur only in...


  WORDS The word is each of the segments bounded by delimiters in the spoken, written or signed chain, which may appear in other positions and which is endowed with a function. In other words, the word is the minimum unit of language Understanding the power of our words Types of words CONTENT WORDS These words denote concepts such as objects, actions, attributes, and ideas that we can think about like children, build, beautiful, and seldom. Content words are sometimes called the open class words because we can and regularly do add new words to these classes. Content words are words that have meaning; Parts of them are (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb.). paw print NOUN A  word used as the name  of a person, animal, place  or thing Examples: -  Julia  -  cat - headphones  -Oxford VERB the word or phrase that gives the action , or asserts something, in a sentences  Examples: -  To run  -  Playing -  Had cleaned ADJECTIVE...


                                          MORPHOLOGY Video about what is morphology? The term morphology shares this ambiguity with other terms such as syntax, phonology and grammar, which may also refer either to a part of the language or to the study of that part of the language. Morphology is the study of the internal structure of words. article of morhology-dessy ks REFERENCES  Beard, R. (2001). Derivation . In R. Beard, The Handbook of Morphology (p. 44). Pensilvania :                          Bucknell University . Chesla, E. (2004). Just in Time Vocabulary. New York : Learning express . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syjbhT45J14